Monday, April 14, 2014

Kick Start: Seek Truth (New Desktop Wallpaper For You!)

Often we place our gaze outside our windows, hoping for better days.

A grand adventure, a career that lights us up, a relationship that makes us weak in the knees...

We want that new pair of shoes, to get the degree, upgrade our computer, lose the weight, sign for the mortgage, make the deal, hit that target, get x amount of followers, thousands of page views, sign on the dotted line... then we'll be happy. Then we'll feel like we've really made it.

We seek external approval to validate ourselves. Our success. Our worth.

Then one day, you're there but you realize what you thought you wanted wasn't what you wanted at all. The goals, the due dates, the 5 year plans - all the chasing, pushing, striving... what was that for?

Feeling how you want to feel, discovering who you were born to be, living how you want to live doesn't come from discovering something 'out there'... it comes from being courageous enough to explore within.

Creating a life you love is an inside job.

Be brave. Be vulnerable. Seek truth.

TELL ME: What would it feel like to ditch the limiting belief of "I'll be happy when I... (get the guy/ get hired for the job/ achieve_____/ buy ______/ learn _____)? What would it feel like to choose happiness and be grateful right now? For fun, share three small things you could do this week! Can't wait to chat in the comments.

If this resonated with you, I'd love for you to share it using the buttons below (super easy!) and spread the love xx

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