Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Love List

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future” | Thich Nhat Hanh

I posted this beautiful quote on the Between Dreams community page last week, and the words are still very much top of mind these days. Does it resonate with you at all? It's really been reminding me to pull back, slow down, take an extra deep breath, and pay attention to what's happening.

I've felt a huge shift in energy lately, even just in the past week, as past areas of resistance and hesitation have been slowly fading away to the background. I'm embracing it and because of that, different areas in my life are ramping up. It feels like I'm on the brink of something - a new beginning, a new chapter - and I'm incredibly stoked about that. I feel more open than I ever have before, so the reminder to slowly move along with that process is an important one for me.

Sometimes it's so easy to want to rush into the future. To want what we desire right this second. The reality is that if we spend our time rushing, speed-walking to the next chapter, we bypass what's happening in this moment. We miss the beauty of the process.

That's enough rambling from me today! Here's some must-read blogs to check out PLUS some extras making The Love List this week...






+ Hilarious moment of the week: Gearing up to stretch my way into eagle pose, just as the rose quartz I've stashed away in my sports bra decides to slip out and fall onto the floor. Whoops!

+ This one's making its rounds on the Internet, but this proposal brought tears to my eyes.

+ Have you checked out Chasing Happy's The Thankful Project? Such a beautiful idea.

+ A Gratitude Note to the Person Who Hurt Me Most. Incredibly powerful, beautifully written. I've been toying around with the idea of writing my own version, and I'm not quite sure if I'm ready yet. What do you think?

I am boundlessly, endlessly grateful for... a weekend spent surrounded by creativity, my incredibly talented husband, the luxury of lazy days, "Gravity" (Have you SEEN that movie?! A must-see, that's for sure!), connecting with beautiful women online, giving myself permission for self-care, consistent meditation, candlelight, shifted perspectives, GORGEOUS fall days, and you :) 

Over to you, fearless adventurer! What are you grateful for this week? Be sure to leave a comment before you jet off! xx 


  1. So kind of you to share IHOD! Thank you so much! Your blog is beautiful:) x

  2. thank you so much for including my blog, allie! x

  3. First of all - I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Thanks for commenting on mine so I could come find yours! :) Also, I LOVE Kenzie! :)

  4. love that first quote. yeah i feel like the older i get, i keep having to remind myself not to rush everything.. to just relax and enjoy. everyone keeps talking about gravity! i need to see it for sure. thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog. you have a lovely blog! :) i'm going to have to look into the thankful project!

    1. Oh YES! You MUST see it. In 3D for sure... usually I'm not a big fan of 3D, it can sort of make my head feel funny... but THIS experience? Wow.

      (And thank you so much! xx)

  5. Ever since having my daughter I have tried to get better about living in the moment. We are constantly going or doing something, but I try my best to just savor those moments.

    I now have some great new blogs to add to my reader, so thanks! Also, I keep hearing how great Gravity is so I need to check it out.

    1. That's all you can do! Definitely easy to get caught up the go, go, go of life routines + to do's... but a wonderful experience to be able to step back and say, "Wow, this is actually pretty awesome."

