Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Love List

leaving notes in the snow...

The first instalment of The Love List in 2014! We're just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the end of January (already!) and I want to use this time to have a little chat: how's it going? More importantly, how are you feeling?

At the beginning of The New Year, the hype tends to sweep us off our feet and we're caught in a electric frenzy that sends us into whirlwind of planning, visualization, and big dreams - and don't get me wrong here, I'm all for it - but sometimes what can happen is that once the plans are set and the to-do lists are written, it can seem a little... well, daunting.

Are you feeling good about where you stand right now? Have you fallen slightly off track?

My mind has been centred around 'priorities' lately: What should I prioritize? How should I prioritize? How do I know what should be at the top of the list? If I'm feeling resistance towards something, is it because I'm truly not called to it or am I ignoring my needs? I'm sure you can relate in that there's a running list of All The Things we're aiming to smash outta the park - and sometimes lacking the focus can send us into orbit, just floating around, without actually doing anything.

How I'm approaching this, and I'm hoping that you might see this as a valuable way to view your own priorities, is instead of looking at this from a critical view, Oh, we're only in January and I've already failed... I'm shifting my perspective and using it as an opportunity to check in with myself.

First up is the notion of perfection and failure and the idea that you have to launch into 2014 with guns a blazin', never taking one misstep along the way. Let's just scratch that out of your head right now, shall we? Chances are you will not have 12 perfect months, so start now. Acknowledge any negative thoughts and push forward. Wherever you are, whether it's February, May, August, or November, the most ideal time to take control of your path is in this moment.

Next, get clear on your needs. How can I set myself up for success? That could mean getting a better hold on managing time rather than flying by the seat of your pants, perhaps a quick body-scan to check on what its needs are (and not ignore what it's yearning for), or maybe previous goals aren't what you truly want, maybe they just looked good on paper. Then, ultimately, if it's a task/ practice that gives you a feeling of peace + freedom, what's the real reason behind pushing it to the back burner?

I'm still in the process of figuring it all out myself, and if there's any one takeaway it's to be flexible. If I let my previous ideas about how life should play out, and how I feel I should be dictate my every move, I'm only limiting myself and ultimately, staying stagnant. Rather than letting my mind run the show, I'm allowing my heart to lead the way, tapping into my curiosities, and trudging my own path.

I'm incredibly curious about how everyone is making out with their own resolutions/ goals/ wicked-awesome plans, so please! Feel free to share how you're managing it all and if this helped you in any way, I would love to know your next steps. 

Now - onto The Love List! Starting with these beautiful blogs...





It's no secret that I'm a smoothie-lover - truth be told, I'm drinking one as I type this! Here's one of my favourite recipes - delicious and refreshing. Perfect for a morning jolt of energy!

1 Banana
1 Mango
Fistful of Spinach
Handful of Mint
1 Tablespoon of Flax seeds or Chia seeds
1/2 Tsp of Bee Pollen

+ For more info on bee pollen, check out this post on The Wellness Warrior! Can easily be thrown into smoothies for an extra hug to your immune system - you can use up to 1 tsp per day.


This past weekend we hopped in the car and raced off to the nearest hill for a ski adventure! We spent the entire day outside, which after hibernating for quite some time, felt ahhhmazing! I'm a total newbie when it comes to skiing, so my form is pretty laughable, and there were giggles-like-crazy as I crashed into the snow time after time.

One of the highlights? It was nearing the end of the day, and as I attempted to get off the ski lift, my legs just would not have it. There was no way they were going to stand. Instead, I kinda just made my way off the lift in a sitting position, slowly sinking to the ground - all the while gliding on skis, just in a squat position, until I eventually sat down. Yep, pure grace over here.

Truth be told, our ski day was just a warm up for what's to come! This week we'll be jetting off to Colorado to ski on the mighty mountains! (Can you believe Sebastian has never laid his eyes on mountains in real life before? Got to change that, pronto!)

Can't wait to hit the slopes!

+ "How To Give Your Soul a Hug" hits the nail on the head. (Plus, Erika's giveaway is still open for a couple of days... better jump in on that one!)

+ LOVE when this duo gets together.

+ If you're not already following along, check out Tossing The Script's Cultivating Self-Love Series. Always look forward to carving out some 'me-time' and settling into her posts.

+ This post prompted me to delete Facebook from my phone. What do you think? Do you think you could benefit from removing some (or all) of the social media apps from your fingertips?

+ Have you watched Blackfish? I can't get it out of my head - such a powerful film that definitely sparked a few tears.

+ Somebody's about page got a face-lift. Can you guess who? ;)

Makin' me grateful: notes of encouragement, spot-on guidance, the response on this post (seriously love you guys), blues skies after many dark days, the rain app (so good!), morning snuggles, days spent outside, hot baths, leaving up our Christmas lights, short weeks, long weekends, this life!

LET'S CRACK 'THE GRATITUDE GATE' WIDE OPEN: Share what you're grateful for in the comments! 

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